The Trustee

Kenza Foundation attaches great importance to good manners within the organization. These relate to a safe and stimulating working and living environment, in which employees treat each other in a respectful manner and in which mutual acceptance and trust are important values.


A trustee advisor has an important function with regard to a good, safe and stimulating working and living environment. If this climate is lacking, employees can go to the trustee advisor.


The trustee advisor can offer a listening ear and guidance to anyone who has questions or problems in relation to the organization. It is not aimed at solving (organizational) problems, but offering help or support in the search for a solution.


The executive board of Kenza Foundation has appointed a central trustee advisor.


Hans Tims, Senior Pastor and regional leader of Friends for Ministries in Fellowship, is the central trustee advisor. You can reach him trough

The trustee advisors rules can also be consulted here Regelement vertrouwenspersoon Kenza Foundation.pdf