
The board is very actively involved with Kenza Foundation. They determine the policy, the development and they follow the daily general course of affairs within the organization. The board meets at least four times a year for a board meeting.


The board is composed as follows:

  • John Olsen - chairman
  • Daniela Bhailal - treasurer
  • Terra Dakota - secretary

The remuneration policy

The board do not receive any remuneration for their work. However, they are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred by them in the performance of their duties.


The Executive Board

The executive board determines the policy, establishes financial guidelines and has the final responsibility for the day-to-day management. The tasks, powers and working methods are laid down in the management regulations. The executive board shall provide the board with all the information necessary for the performance of its duties.


The executive board of Kenza Foundation is composed as follows:


Ravenna Kotadiny                                    Emiliano Kotadiny

Managing director                                 Operational directeur


Our team consists of the following employees:

  • Alyah Kotadiny - programme manager (department Kenza Music Ministries and Message Of Love)
  • Virgillia Kusten - back office employee (department Kenza Music Ministries and Message Of Love)



To tell and support the story of Kenza Foundation, is the role of our  ambassadors extremely important. They volunteer for the foundation and generate attention for our various programs, projects and activities. In this way, more and more people and organizations will become familiar with our foundation.


The cooperation partners of Kenza Foundation are:

  • Friends for Ministries in Fellowship
  • City of Amsterdam
  • Now & Leter
  • Social Pact South East
  • Mensen maken Zuidoost - Fonds voor Zuidoost
  • De Moeder is de sleutel
  • Stichting Adam Helpt


Kenza Foundation is a social organization that works for people and offers them support in discovering and exploiting talents, opportunities and possibilities. Kenza Foundation does this, among other things, by making meetings possible, offering perspective and stimulating co-reliance. The core activity and objective of Kenza Foundation is to activate, motivate, stimulate and support people by organizing and offering various programs, projects, activities, events and concerts for both young and old. The core values of Kenza Foundation lies in mutual understanding of, respect, dialogue and education and we see this as necessary for the well-being of Dutch society.



Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

as working for the Lord, not for human masters